How to get docomo 3g speed in 2g plan ? any one have idea ? i think no !! . You all know that docomo 3g in 2g internet plan not working more.But recently got news from my friends,They are getting 3g speed in 2g plan.Here is some trick they are using to get docomo 3g speed.Unfortunately these tricks are not working in all simcards
Lets see the first trick to get docomo 3g in 2g plan.
Select any 2G plan from the following plans and and activate it by deducting balance.Do not recharge directly from retailer
To activate any 2g plan
Dail *141# > select 2g internet plan > you will see the list of plan > and activate any of them
Its better to try this method on old simcard.because my 2 friends getting 3g speed this way.Note:You can also try this trick on new simcards.
MRP(Rs.) Free Usage Details Offer Validity (Days) Post Free GPRS Usage Charges
149 8 GB 30 10p/10KB
95 4 GB 30 10p/10KB
65 2.5 GB 30 10p/10KB
48 2 GB 30 10p/10KB
33 Night Pack with 1 GB between 11PM and 7AM 30 10p/10KB
15 500 MB 3 10p/10KB
11 150MB with Rs.500 free content 2 10p/10KB
5 50 MB Till midnight on day of recharge 10p/10KB
Here is Second Trick to Get 3g speed in 2g internet plan.
In this second docomo 3g trick you have to first activate 3g plan and after that you have to activate any of 2g plan listed obove
Follow this steps and try..
1.First Dial : *141*1#
2.You will Receive Following menu:
Choose your region (Available in select towns):
3.Select your state by reply this message
4.After that you will receive 3g plans available in your city
1.10MB free 3G @Rs.11
2.25MB Free 3G @ Rs.21
3.50MB Free 3G @ Rs.39
4.100MB Free 3G @ Rs.90
5.250MB Free 3G @ Rs.201
6.500MB Free 3G @ Rs.351
5.Now select 1st plan of 10 mb
6.After acivating 3g plan go to retailer and make E-recharge with rs 48.
Hope this trick will work for you.I am using this trick from last 10 days in 6 month old simcard.As i have tried this trick in 3 simcard and unfortunately this worked in only one
3rd Trick To get 3G speed in 2g internet plan !!
First Active Your 2G GPRS plan of Rs 95. (Any of listed above)
Now Keep Your Balance of below 11 Rs
Then Dial *141#
Now Follow the proper instruction as shown in 2nd trick to Activate 3G plan
Activate 10MB free 3G @Rs.11
You will get a message that “you have insufficient balance”
Just Ignore That Message
Now surf internet,You are lucky one if you getting 3G Speed!!
Enjoy Tata Docomo 3G for Free !
4Th trick to get 3G speed in docomo in 2g plan.
For this trick you need roaming simcard.Means you have to buy simcard from outstate.Lets see this simple trick ..
Buy Docomo Simcard from other state
Activate 3G in your Docomo Simcard at your state
After that Activate any 2g plan listed above by direct recharge.Not by deducting from balance
I am not sure that this trick will work in all simcard.Its better to try somthing without nothing
Lets see the first trick to get docomo 3g in 2g plan.
Select any 2G plan from the following plans and and activate it by deducting balance.Do not recharge directly from retailer
To activate any 2g plan
Dail *141# > select 2g internet plan > you will see the list of plan > and activate any of them
Its better to try this method on old simcard.because my 2 friends getting 3g speed this way.Note:You can also try this trick on new simcards.
MRP(Rs.) Free Usage Details Offer Validity (Days) Post Free GPRS Usage Charges
149 8 GB 30 10p/10KB
95 4 GB 30 10p/10KB
65 2.5 GB 30 10p/10KB
48 2 GB 30 10p/10KB
33 Night Pack with 1 GB between 11PM and 7AM 30 10p/10KB
15 500 MB 3 10p/10KB
11 150MB with Rs.500 free content 2 10p/10KB
5 50 MB Till midnight on day of recharge 10p/10KB
Here is Second Trick to Get 3g speed in 2g internet plan.
In this second docomo 3g trick you have to first activate 3g plan and after that you have to activate any of 2g plan listed obove
Follow this steps and try..
1.First Dial : *141*1#
2.You will Receive Following menu:
Choose your region (Available in select towns):
3.Select your state by reply this message
4.After that you will receive 3g plans available in your city
1.10MB free 3G @Rs.11
2.25MB Free 3G @ Rs.21
3.50MB Free 3G @ Rs.39
4.100MB Free 3G @ Rs.90
5.250MB Free 3G @ Rs.201
6.500MB Free 3G @ Rs.351
5.Now select 1st plan of 10 mb
6.After acivating 3g plan go to retailer and make E-recharge with rs 48.
Hope this trick will work for you.I am using this trick from last 10 days in 6 month old simcard.As i have tried this trick in 3 simcard and unfortunately this worked in only one
3rd Trick To get 3G speed in 2g internet plan !!
First Active Your 2G GPRS plan of Rs 95. (Any of listed above)
Now Keep Your Balance of below 11 Rs
Then Dial *141#
Now Follow the proper instruction as shown in 2nd trick to Activate 3G plan
Activate 10MB free 3G @Rs.11
You will get a message that “you have insufficient balance”
Just Ignore That Message
Now surf internet,You are lucky one if you getting 3G Speed!!
Enjoy Tata Docomo 3G for Free !
4Th trick to get 3G speed in docomo in 2g plan.
For this trick you need roaming simcard.Means you have to buy simcard from outstate.Lets see this simple trick ..
Buy Docomo Simcard from other state
Activate 3G in your Docomo Simcard at your state
After that Activate any 2g plan listed above by direct recharge.Not by deducting from balance
I am not sure that this trick will work in all simcard.Its better to try somthing without nothing
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